Why a Virtual Art Show? Letter by Charlotte Jones

Hello everyone,

Many students, including myself, feel as though last semester was left unfinished. I started my club Cameradery this past spring and it was truly unfortunate that the artwork created could not be shared. We had scheduled to have an art show for the end of the semester but due to COVID-19 it never occurred. This got me thinking about all of the other clubs that did amazing work and were unable to show it. This led to the idea of a virtual art show where the work done by Cornell organizations could be shared in a safe fashion. By providing this space, I hope to bring a more satisfied end to the semester as well as introduce all Cornell students to the amazing work being done on campus! Incoming students, please use this show to explore the various organizations on campus and be inspired by the different ways you can shape your four years here. My goal for this show is to act as a statement of Cornell adapting to a COVID world and to give a voice to the work that was sadly left unsaid last semester.


Charlotte Jones

College of Human Ecology Class of 2022